Friday, May 31, 2019
Rani Shankar Essay examples -- Biology Essays Research Papers
ranee ShankarAs much as I would have liked to continue my engaging research on Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers (issues I hold very dear to my heart), during my preliminary research for the third paper I felt drawn to another, equ completelyy interesting, subject field. As finals rapidly approach and the topic of graduation becomes more real by day, this new topic seemed to have more personal significance to my life. And so I began research on this topic with purely selfish motivations- to better understand the phenomenon of direction. A relatively new concept involving brain and behavior, Hans Selye first proposed the idea of stress as a regulation adaptive syndrome, a fight-or- flight situation, very similar to escape behavior (1). mark is defined as the set of all organic reactions to physical, psychic, infectious, or other, aggressions, which are capable to disturb homeostasis (1). Stress lies at the intersection between personal, social, and economic factors and biology. Although stress is an important, integral part of our existence, there is a point at which it becomes sweep over and our adaptive responses may break down (2). The breaking point varies from person to person, depending on past experiences, grapple responses, and genetics (2). Clearly, socio-economics has a lot to do with the ability to cope with stress over time. We may know of some people that are inherently better able to manus with lifes stressors. However, genetic bases for dealing and coping with stress are unknown at this time. Stress, usually used to describe a state of mind, illustrates the important connection between mind and body. Although stress is principally a neuronal reaction, its effects reach far past neurobiology. Stress is thought to adversely aff... ...y. Biology 202 1st weather vane Papers. 1998. Bonnie Kimmel. http// dismay Attacks and Panic Disorders. The Harvard Mental Heal th Letter. April (I). http// Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. May 9, 1995. Stress Signs are Often Missed In Victims of Violent Crimes. http// Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Body-Mind Queendom. http// Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. June (part I), July 1996 (Part II). http// Rani Shankar Essay examples -- Biology Essays Research PapersRani ShankarAs much as I would have liked to continue my engaging research on Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers (issues I hold very dear to my heart), during my preliminary research for the third paper I felt drawn to another, equally interesting, topic. As finals rap idly approach and the idea of graduation becomes more real by day, this new topic seemed to have more personal significance to my life. And so I began research on this topic with purely selfish motivations- to better understand the phenomenon of stress. A relatively new concept involving brain and behavior, Hans Selye first proposed the idea of stress as a normal adaptive syndrome, a fight-or- flight situation, very similar to escape behavior (1). Stress is defined as the set of all organic reactions to physical, psychic, infectious, or other, aggressions, which are capable to disturb homeostasis (1). Stress lies at the intersection between personal, social, and economic factors and biology. Although stress is an important, integral part of our existence, there is a point at which it becomes overwhelming and our adaptive responses may break down (2). The breaking point varies from person to person, depending on past experiences, coping responses, and genetics (2). Clearly, socio-eco nomics has a lot to do with the ability to cope with stress over time. We may know of some people that are inherently better able to deal with lifes stressors. However, genetic bases for dealing and coping with stress are unknown at this time. Stress, usually used to describe a state of mind, illustrates the important connection between mind and body. Although stress is primarily a neuronal reaction, its effects reach far past neurobiology. Stress is thought to adversely aff... ...y. Biology 202 1st Web Papers. 1998. Bonnie Kimmel. http// Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. April (I). http// Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. May 9, 1995. Stress Signs are Often Missed In Victims of Violent Crimes. http// an06.html13. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Body-Mind Queendom. http// Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. June (part I), July 1996 (Part II). http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Oppression in Aunt Jenniferââ¬â¢s Tigers Essay -- Aunt Jenniferââ¬â¢s Tigers A
Oppression in Aunt Jennifers TigersComposed in three carefully rhyme stanzas, the poem can firstly seeman homage to the speakers skills in stitching a panel with tigers.However, a detailed reading reveals images and symbols that put forward arelation of oppression concerning Aunt Jennifer and her husband.The tigers of Aunt Jennifers stitchings are representative of herfree spirit, how she pines for freedom from her burdensome husband.The bright topaz denizens of green evokes the genial image ofmajestic tigers not bound by the whims of another being. They do notfear the men below the tree, something that Aunt Jennifer cannot doin her touching reality because of her oppressors looming presence.She produces her tigers under his control, represented by The massiveweight of Uncles wedding band that / Sits heavily upon her hand.Physically a wedding ring is light, solely this one has a massiveweight heavily sitting on her hand. These images construct anopposition between the couple as a woman she has a creative force,but her husband, represen...
Making False Confessions Essay -- Psychology, Learning Disabilities, M
Psychological research and application stick out established that it is not only people with learning disability or major(ip) mental illness that are susceptible to distinguish out of true confessions. In roll for a confession to be false, a person must all confess to a crime that he or she is completely innocent of or overstate his or her involvement in the crime. False confessions can be either voluntary or coerced. Although it is methodologically difficult to establish the frequency of false confessions, anecdotal evidence such as self-reports and case studies indicate that report cases are only the tip of the iceberg. It appears that young people are particularly defenceless and often use up false confessions in order to defend others. Standardized psychological tests have been devised in order to assess personality factors such as suggestibility and compliance that render some people more vulnerable than others. The reason people make false confessions is typically due t o a combination of factors such as psychological vulnerabilities, nature of the custodial confinement and the natural law interviewing tactics. Notorious cases of false confessions which have lead to the wrongful convictions of innocent people subsequently spending years in prison represent some of the defeat cases of miscarriage of justice in Britain. One such cases, that of Engin Raghip of the so-called Tottenham three will be discussed in the context of admissibility of psychological evidence in order to demonstrate how the judiciary has increasingly come to accept the psychological notion that most people, under certain circumstances, are susceptible to making false confessions. In order to better understand why people confess to crimes they have not committed, Kassin an... testimony in assessing the reliability of disputed confessions. The reason people make false confessions is typically due to a combination of factors such as psychological vulnerabilities, natur e of the custodial confinement and the police interviewing tactics. Standardized psychological tests have been devised in order to assess personality factors such as suggestibility and compliance that render some people more vulnerable than others but these should never bee looked at in isolation. Studies indicate that reported cases are only the tip of the iceberg. It appears that young people are particularly vulnerable and often make false confessions in order to protect others. It is not only people with learning disability or major mental illness that are susceptible to make false confessions depending on the context, anybody can.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Nursing and Biomedical Research :: Health Care, Nurses
With unpar in alleled technological advancement, nursing and bio-medical research, and the present healthc atomic number 18 environment, nurses essential be cognisant of their professional and personal views of ethics. Ethics are standards of behaviour, developed as a result of ones concept of right and wrong (Judson & Harrison, 2010), and are intended to influence the actions of health cope professionals. Ethical principles help guide the decision-making process among healthcare workers in complicated situations. Therefore we cannot understand nursing unless we also understand ethics (Gallagher & Wainwright, 2005)There are many different ethical theories which can mainly be carve up into three groups. These are Duty based, Goal based and Rights based theories.Deontology is a duty based ethical theory. This means that a moral person must always do their duty and must perform them without exception, whatever the consequences (Seedhouse, 2001). However, this theory has limitations an d objections because it does not allow for conflict between duties, flexibility or compromises and these are all essential for health work. (Seedhouse, 2001)Goal based theories such as Utilitarianism, believe that what is morally right is determined by the good that is produced as the consequence of the action. The acts that achieved this were specify as good and those that produce pain were bad. (Rumbold, 2000) An objection with Utilitarianism is that because it is scarcely concerned with the consequences, then even if an action was taken that was intentionally bad, it would still be ethically right if the eventual consequences were favourable. (Seedhouse, 2001)Dunbar (2003) states that there are four main ethical principles, these are beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and autonomy. The principle of beneficence is to do good for patients and to put their of necessity before your own (Rumbold, 1999 p217) and with beneficence comes the principle of non-maleficence meaning to do no harm. Rumbold (1999, p222) describes how in many nursing duties nurses have to do harm to our patients but only when it is alongside beneficence and the long-term goal is to do good by the patient. In not giving a patient assistance to eat their meals we are acting in a manner that these principles dont support as there is no good that could arise from this. Beneficence is considered to be the care ethic, as it guides us to work in the best interests of the patient but at the same time for the benefit of other patients, considering their rights to justice and fairness with their care (Kennedy, 2004).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
DNA Chip - Genetic Testing of the Future Essay -- Genes Science Techno
DNA Chip - communicable Testing of the FutureMany, if not most sicknesss, make their roots in our genes. Genes, through the proteins they encode, determine how efficiently we process foods, how effectively we detoxify poisons, and how vigorously we respond to infections. In the past 20 years, amazing newborn techniques have allowed scientists to learn a great deal about how genes work and how they are linked to disease. This rapid pace of discovery of genetic factors, responsible for trusted diseases, has allowed scientists to genetically test asymptomatic individuals and predict their risk of certain diseases. In this paper, I am going to discuss the following areas pertaining to the topic of genetic scrutinyThe definition and purpose of genetic testing Distinguishing major testing techniques with particular interest in the DNA chip Ethical considerations regarding genetic testing, explaining views on both(prenominal) sides Public policy pertaining to genetic testing and the use of the DNA chip and My personal opinion regarding the use of the DNA chip. Definition of Genetic TestingGenetic testing is the analysis of human DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, and certain metabolites in order to detect heritable disease-related genotypes, mutations, phenotypes, or karyotypes for clinical purposes (6). There are several genetic tests presently in use which are used to look for a possible predisposition to certain diseases, as well as to confirm a pretend mutation in an individual or family. These tests vary from newborn screening, with the detection of abnormal or missing gene products to carrier testing, which allows couples to learn if they carry a recessive allele for an inherited disease and thus risk passing that allele on... ...ited States. Obtained from the vanehttp// ISB News Report. Obtained from the WWWhttp// LaMendola, Bob. Lawmakers Genetic testing whol ly should not impact health coverage. Obtained from the WWWhttp// NAPBC Fact Sheet Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Risk Its Your Choice Obtained from the WWWhttp// Singh-Gasson, Sangeet et al. 1999. Maskless fabrication of light-directed oligonucleotide microarrays using a digital micromirror array. Nature Biotechnology 17974-978.11. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Understanding Gene Testing. Obtained from the WWWhttp// Essay List
DNA Chip - Genetic Testing of the Future Essay -- Genes Science Techno
desoxyribonucleic acid Chip - Genetic Testing of the FutureMany, if not most diseases, have their roots in our genes. Genes, through the proteins they encode, determine how efficiently we do by foods, how effectively we detoxify poisons, and how vigorously we respond to infections. In the past 20 years, amazing new techniques have allowed scientists to learn a great deal just about how genes work and how they are linked to disease. This rapid pace of discovery of genetic factors, responsible for received diseases, has allowed scientists to genetically test asymptomatic individuals and predict their put on the line of certain diseases. In this paper, I am going to discuss the following areas pertaining to the topic of genetic testThe definition and purpose of genetic testing Distinguishing major testing techniques with particular interest in the DNA chip Ethical considerations regarding genetic testing, explaining views on both sides Public policy pertaining to genetic testing an d the use of the DNA chip and My personal opinion regarding the use of the DNA chip. Definition of Genetic TestingGenetic testing is the analysis of human DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, and certain metabolites in drift to detect heritable disease-related genotypes, mutations, phenotypes, or karyotypes for clinical purposes (6). There are several genetic tests currently in use which are used to look for a possible predisposition to certain diseases, as well as to confirm a suspected mutation in an individual or family. These tests vary from newborn baby screening, with the detection of abnormal or missing gene products to carrier testing, which allows couples to learn if they carry a recessive allele for an inherited disease and thus risk passing that allele on... ...ited States. Obtained from the WWWhttp// ISB News Report. Obtained from the WWWhttp// LaMendola, Bob. Lawmakers Genetic te sting alone should not impact health coverage. Obtained from the WWWhttp// NAPBC circumstance Sheet Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Risk Its Your Choice Obtained from the WWWhttp// Singh-Gasson, Sangeet et al. 1999. Maskless fabrication of light-directed oligonucleotide microarrays using a digital micromirror array. Nature Biotechnology 17974-978.11. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Understanding Gene Testing. Obtained from the WWWhttp// Essay List
Monday, May 27, 2019
Information systems technology Essay
Abstract This paper discusses the scope of Information systems engineering. Information Systems Technology can be delimit as the use of electronic programs and molds and for storage, going, presentation and transfer of information. Information Systems Technology also includes technologies of speech processing, speech recognition, speaker recognition (identification, verification, and authentication), word spotting, language and set phrase identification, speech coding, and speech and audio signal enhancement.It is also inclusive of Machine learning, Information Assurance, detecting and interpreting attacks against large-scale network infrastructures, securing cyberspace, and evaluating the usage of dissimilar tools various environments. For Information Systems Technology to be adequate, static and dynamic analysis of softw are should be performed regularly, to uncover any vulnerabilities, correlate and prioritize alerts from network security devices, try out attacks and potenti al propagation vectors against estimator networks, and develop practical solutions of cryptographic protocols and approaches.Introduction It has been said that Survival is a matter of instinct which requires insight to succeed. Information technology is an absolute necessity for any individual or organization that wants to survive in this ever changing world. Information systems technology can be delineate as the use of electronic machines and programs for the processing, storage, transfer and presentation of information. When the emphasis was on processing the terms electronic data processing EDP was common in earlier days.All aspect of human life is permeated by information technology it is no longer confined to high number- crunching machines housed in air- conditioned computer halls. As evident to all, communication technology is today an important part of it. Devices such as the photocopying machine, telephone and the telefax and not only computers and their software should be included in our definition of information technology. Nowadays the use of information technology is no longer confined to huge number-crunching machines housed in air-conditioned computer halls but permeates all aspects of everyday life.Communications technology is today an important part of IT. Not only computers and their software, but also devices such as the telephone, the photocopying machine and the telefax should thus be included in our definition of information technology. Many of the functions of these devices are in fact increasingly integrated. With the latest generation of laptops computers, and is already possible to send and receive faxes and emails. Recently, more mobile phones which incorporate small microcomputers have started to appear on the market much more. (Bo-Christer Bjork 1999) Overview.Information technology and the systems that process it are among the most valuable assets of any organization. Fundamental management responsibility is adequate security of these assets. Each agency essential implement and maintain a program to adequately secure its information and system assets, something that is consistent with office of Management and Budget (OMB). There is also increased integration in many functions of these devices Consistent with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policy, each agency must implement and maintain a program to adequately secure its information.Agency programs must 1) assure that systems and applications operate effectively and provide appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability and 2) protect information commensurate with the level of risk and magnitude of harm resulting from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, or modification. Description of Framework The Framework approach begins with the premise that all agency assets must meet the minimum security requirements of the Office of Management and Budget Circular.The criteria that are outlined in the Framework and provided in detail in the question naire are abstracted directly from long-standing requirements found in statute, policy, and guidance on security and privacy. It should be noted that an agency might have additional laws, regulations, or policies that establish specific requirements for confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Each agency should decide if additional security controls should be added to the questionnaire and, if so, customize the questionnaire appropriately. (Federal Information Technology credential Assessment Framework 2000).References Bo-Christer Bjork (1999) Information technology in construction domain definition and research issues. International daybook of Computer Integrated Design and Construction, SETO, London. Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-16 Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework (2000) Prepared for Security, Privacy, and Critical Infrastructure commissioning by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Computer Security Division November 28, 2000 The N IST Self-assessment Questionnaire will be issued in 2001 as a NIST Special Publication. Swanson, M (2001) Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A Closer Look on Bilingualism
Bilingualism is not uncommon to many people and in many plowshares of the world. As long as there atomic number 18 people who reincarnate from far off countries to different places in the world, bilingualism will exist, and prosper.This has become a bigger reality in todays world where different countries ar brought closer by technology, and globalization has become commonplace, especially to more prosperous and industrialized countries where migrants tend to gather.Hence, cultures become interrelated and quarrels are no longer peculiar(a) to their areas of origin. In fact, it is normal for many people to use two languages, or even more, in the course of day-to-day living, more or less by choice and some by necessity.As evidenced by studies and observation made by scientists and educators, bi- or multilingualism exists because humans are not limit to learn a single language in the course of his/her lifetime.Although there were no studies that have determined how many language s a person can learn in his/her lifetime, there was no doubt that it could be done, given the relative ease by which children learn languages.The brains of a human being hold endless possibilities. It is not a jug that has limited capacity it can absorb so much more information (Alladina 6). Hence, it is not surprising that more and more people are learning and fashioning use of different languages.It is not uncommon to see a person who makes use of a different language at home, in school or in buiness, a particular language is used depending on the appropriate situation.As we attempt to explore different facets of bilingualism, it would be most logical to explain curtly the meaning of bilingualism and how it is commonly perceived in order to offer a better understanding as to why it has such great impact on the society.More importantly, this paper will deal on the overall effects of bilingualism on children, adults and families, as well as the influences of schools, its systems, and society at large to people who are bilingual, and vice versa.We shall also delve on the choices that different bilingual-background families have or have made with regard to rearing their children as bilingual or monolingual, and the accompanying effects of these choices.We shall shed light on these concerns, partly, by going through the personal experiences of three individuals, with different degrees of bilingualism, who were interviewed exclusively for this paper.We shall examine how bilingualism played a part in their lives. Their bilingualism resulted from different circumstances surrounding them as they were growing up that were mainly rooted from their families.For instance, the first interviewee and her parents migrated to Norway from Pakistan, where she was actually born and raised until she was eight eld old, the second one has parents whose mother tongues were different from each other, while the last interviewee was adopted from Colombia when she was eight years o ld.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ambush Marketing
Ambush marketing is a marketing tool, which may head up to serious marketing success. Ambush marketing emphasizes the importance of shows in turgid business promotion, and the role of big business in creating shows. Sporting issuings represent further one modeling of the way mill about marketing bunghole work in real world business environment. Sponsorship becomes secondary as soon as peril marketing tools are applied in practice. Ambush marketing is the use of a Sporting Event, in marketing, while not sponsoring the outcome.The use of the import is done to associate the company with the event, however, in most cases a rival company will be the formalised sponsor of the event. This is done in dear truth and does not break any laws. Ambush marketing is an extremely flexible means of using shows in business promotion. Ambush marketing can take variety of trends, and be adjusted to particular marketing situations. However, this form of marketing strategy generates numerous statutory and ethical issues. Sponsors claim discriminative component part of lallygag marketing approaches.Simultaneously, ambush theory offers a list of solutions to tackle ethical and legal issues. A Great, yet hypothetical, Example of ambush marketing would be an American Superbowl, which is usually sponsored by Budweiser Beer. Miller beer traditionally associated with the game is not its official sponsor. In reality, Miller uses the benefits of Budweisers sponsorship to labor its own trademark, without breaking the legality of the braging event. Why this trend? Sport is a big business and big businesses are heavily involved in sports.Athletes in the major witnesser sports are marketable commodities, sports teams are traded on the stock market, sponsorship rights at major events can cost millions of dollars, network television stations stomach large fees to radiate games, and the merchandising and licensing of sporting goods is a major multi-national business. Although sports puddle had a commercial component to its operation since its formative years tracing back to Ancient Greece, in no previous time have we seen the type of exponential growth in the commercialization of sports as occurred in the past decades.This is mainly due to the edification of advertizement much(prenominal) as the purchasing of TV and radio slots and billboards in prime locations. It is important to note that sponsorship is not the first financial resource of sport organisations. The main sources of funding for major sport and mega events are TV glow rights, sponsoring comes in second and ticketing third . Sponsoring grew in line with the phenomenal increase in TV demand for sport events. One of the main reasons for the emerging yet inevitable trend of Ambush Marketing is to this hype surrounding famous events such as the Olympics, FIFA World Cup and the NFL Super Bowl.Due to the high costs of sponsoring such events, smaller companies cannot afford to spend the amount s larger conglomerates and multinational companies like Coca Cola, Samsung, McDonalds, Nike, and Kodak pay for getting their sponsorship, and this is one of the basic reasons that is perpetrating ambush marketing. Even larger companies are limited to the amount of events they can sponsor since the sponsorship fees do not include the expenses of the advertisement such as TV, print, outdoor ads, and promotional activities.For the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, the Coca-Cola Company forecasted their expenses to about $60 million for commercial air time on NBCs Olympic telecasts in addition to the $40 million the company paid for its worldwide sponsorship rights. Common Forms & Strategies Ambush Marketing takes many forms. One main form commonly used is known as Association Ambushing. This is when the non-sponsor gives the impression of being an official sponsor by using words or symbols associated with the event.For example, during the 2002 overwinter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Anheu ser-Busch was the official sponsor and Schirf Brewery, a local and small company, came up with a fairly clever idea of marking its delivery trucks with Wasutch Beers. The Unofficial Beer. 2002 Winter Games. Anformer(a) main type of ambush marketing is known as Intrusion Ambushing, which is when the non-sponsor piggybacks on the media and spectator exposure of the event for instance by domainizing near event venues. Some of the most commonly, but not restricted, employed ambush marketing strategies are as follows1. Sponsoring the broadcast of the event Kodaks sponsorship of the first principle broadcasts of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics when Fuji was the official IOC sponsor.2. Sponsoring sub-categories within an event and exploit the investment aggressively During the 1988 Olympics at Seoul, Kodak secured the worldwide category sponsorship for the Games, while Fuji obtained sub-sponsorship of the U. S. swimming team.3. Making a sponsorship-related contribution to a players pool I an Thorpe was sponsored by Adidas when Nike was the official clothing supplier for the Australian Olympic team.Thorpe was even photographed with his towel draped over Nikes logotype at a medal presentation ceremony to protect his personal contract with Adidas. 4. Engaging in advertize that coincides with a sponsored event Intense advertising done by a competitor during or around a sponsored event such as booking billboards near to event venues to fool consumers into sentiment there is a draw to the event. An example of this was during the 1992 Olympics Nike placed large murals of USA basketball team members Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley on the sides of buildings in Barcelona.Nike was not an official sponsor of the Games. 5. twist a stunt This is when a small amount of people pull a high profile stunt to attract attention. For example, during an Australian-New Zealnd rugby match in 2002, two naked men streaked onto the playing field wearing a painted-on Vodafone logo, while Vodafone was not a sponsor. Effectiveness Ambush marketing, undoubtedly has been rig to be quite outcomeive in its success in creating the appearance of being a legitimate sponsor. In practice, it appears that the public does not properly break the official sponsors.On corporate sponsorship, Tony Meenaghan explained in an article for the Sloan management Re pick up, By sponsoring an event or providing a budget for an events broadcast, a sponsor can generate interview apprisedness while simultaneously creating associations of the events values in peoples minds, Further on he states, An ambush marketer can associate with a major event without large-scale investment in securing rights and thereby fulfill brand awareness and image objectives at low costbenefits usually available only to the official sponsor, It in like manner generates goodwill, which is a consumers natural reaction to support for an activity of which he or she approves.At the very least, it creates consumer conf usion, thereby denying the legitimate sponsor clear recognition for its sponsorship role. Meenaghan claimed that ambush marketing simultaneously reduces the effectiveness of the sponsors message while undermining the quality and value of the sponsorship opportunity that the event owner is selling. In a 1994 survey by the Wirthlin Group, a corporate image research organization, showed that only 12 percent of American adults were able to identify Coke as an Olympic sponsor, despite its 66-year affiliation. Furthermore, no other Olympic corporation sponsor had more than 3 percent recognition.An outstanding example on the effectiveness of ambush marketing that is still seen as the ambush of all ambushes is Nikes marketing campaign for the 1996 Atlantic Olympics. Nike plastered the city in billboards, handed out swoosh banners to wave at the competitions and constructed an enormous Nike concentrate overlooking the stadium. Following the 1996 Atlanta fiasco, many thought Nike had been an official sponsor of the games. In December 2001, a study found that, from a list of 45 likely sponsors of the 2002 World Cup, 20 percent of those polled picked Nike. Ethical & Legal effs The main question that arises is whether or not the practice of ambush marketing is ethical, illegal, or just smart business practice.In reality, marketing has never been a gentle industry to begin with. Ambush marketers refer to the event and to their own names and products in an dodgy and creative manner, without using registered trademarks, logos, and slogans so in most cases they manage to circumvent the law. This puts the legal position of ambush marketing practices in an unclear position. Referring back to the Nike example during the 1996 Atlantic Olympics, Simon Pestridge, Nikes brand manager explains diplomatically in an interview with MSNBC following the event, We play inside the rules and we bring a different point of view thats veritable and authentic to sport. Corporate sponsors a nd event organizers regard the parasitic or piggyback tactics, a term often used by aggrieved event organizers and their sponsors, as unethical. On the other hand, ambush marketers argue it is a fair game. Merrill Squires, managing partner of the Dallas-based Marketing Arm, said in a 1999 interview with ABCnews. com, The weak link is marketers who sign a sponsorship deal and dont look at it carefully. They need to negotiate for every potential right to forfend out competitors. Tackling the Issue Learning from experience, sponsors and event owners have picked up on several strategies for countering ambush marketing1. Pressurize event owners to protect their events. The world(prenominal) Olympic Committee (IOC) seeks to block ambushing by controlling images, official license souvenirs, and by offering first option to official sponsors on other promotional opportunities.2. Link event and broadcast sponsorship. This includes combined packages of event sponsorship, broadcast sponsorsh ip and advertising time around television broadcast of the event.3. Anticipate potential competitive promotions. Sponsors must investigate the terms of sponsorship contract, what rights co-sponsors have and if they are in the same industry.4. Exploit the sponsorship rights secured. Sponsors should launch a well-rounded marketing communications campaign and exploit the association with the event fully.5. Resort to legal action, especially if a non-sponsor uses marks associated with an event. There have been several major attempts to crackdown on ambush marketing. One major attempt was the Sydneys Solution also known as the Sydney 2000 Act, which went further than ever in assay to counter ambush marketing.The highlights of the Acts passed were the Indicia and Images Act and Olympic Arrangements Act. The Indicia and Images Act prohibited the use of phrases and images from unlicensed commercial use, which was broadly defined that would suggest a connection with the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. The Olympic Arrangements Act prohibited any selling or distribution of articles in public places within a 3km radius from the event.There were several non-sponsors who were still able to legally market their brand around the event. In the end, Sydney went further that ever in trying to crackdown on ambush marketing strategies, but were still found to be inadequate for responding to ingenious marketing strategies. It is clear that the control of ambush marketing requires additive strategies. In the future as the Beijing Olympic Games are approaching in August 2008, the International Olympic Committee claims they are preparing to counter ambush marketing. The IOC plans to safeguard its sponsors interests inside the venues by making sure no ambush marketing campaigns are being picked up by television cameras.Non-authorized beverages will be banned from the venues as well as t-shirts and products featuring non-sponsor corporate names linked with the Olympic Games. Conclusion If Ambush marketing provides smaller companies with a chance to promote themselves, does that mean that ambush marketing approaches are legally and ethically misbalanced?Does that mean that smaller companies illegally use the official sponsorship benefits to promote their trademarks? There is no explicit answer to that question. One thing is clear Ambush marketing remains one of the most effective marketing tools in contemporary business and sports. As long as sports turn into business, and business makes money in sports, ambush marketing will bring substantial financial profits to those who are aware of its benefits.The coming Olympic Games in Beijing will show the effectiveness of anti-ambush procedures which the IOC plans to implement, but companies will still seek new means of advertising themselves without sponsoring big shows. Ambush marketing is an evasive tool of self-advertising as long as it takes unclear legal position, ambush marketing strategies will keep flourishing cro ssways all levels of promotion in business. Ambush marketing is an ambiguous means of companies self-promotion. On the one hand, it helps smaller companies gain a better market manage and make their trademarks recognizable to potential customers. On the other hand, larger sponsors view ambush marketing as the means of undermining their marketing stability.Confusion is the third, and probably, the most important effect ambush marketing causes on consumers. In this complicated marketing environment, competitors should be more careful when signing sponsorship deals. Legal responsibility will eliminate the mass of ambush marketing threats which sponsors should address on their way towards success and recognition.Bibliography1. Sauer, Abram. Ambush Marketing Steals the Show. May 27, 2002. .2. Meenaghan, Tony. Ambush MarketingA brat to Corporate Sponsorship. Sloan Management Review. Fall 1996. .3. THE MEDIA BUSINESS ADVERTISING In trolling for sponsors, organizers of the 1996 Games a re playing against the clock and trailing. The New York Times. 31 August 1995 .4. Garrigues, Cristina. Ambush Marketing A Threat to Global Sponsored Events? 26 March 2004. .5. http//www. usp-age. com/flash/2006/jul06/marketing_battle. swf.6. http//www. austlii. edu. au/au/journals/MurUEJL/2001/10. html.7. http//www. accessmylibrary. com/coms2/summary_0286-9614696_ITM.8. Shah, Tina. Ambush Marketing. November 2004 http//www. advancedge. com/archives/nov04/MBArk_ambush_marktng. pdf.9. ALSO NOTE ABOUT RAPPAPORT DOCUMENT Wei L, Kretschmer M. , Ambush Marketing A study of strategies and legal responses, ISLR Pandektis, Vol. 53, 2004. Davis R. N. , Ambushing the Olympic Games, ISLR/Pandektis, Vol. III Nr. ?, p. 7.10. Page name Ambush marketing, Author Wikipedia contributors , Publisher Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. , Date of last revision 28 April 2008 0446 UTC , Date retrieved 30 April 2008 1514 UTC , Permanent link http//en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Ambush_marketing&oldi d=208688867 , Page Version ID 208688867.FOOTNOTE According to the International Olympic Committee, the revenues generated from these sources for the period from 2001 until 2004 accounted for respectively 53%, 34% and 11% of , the remaining 2% coming from other licensing activities, http//www. olympic. org/uk/organisation/facts/revenue/index_uk. aspThis is roughly true in relation to football as well. According to FIFAs 2006 Financial statements, 58% of its revenues in 2006 came from TV broadcasting rights and 24% from marketing rights, i. e. sponsoring, http//fr. fifa. com/mm/ history/affederation/administration/2006_fifa_ar_en_1766. pdf FIFAs overall yearly revenue for the period 2003-2006 reached CHF 3. 238 billions.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Important Committees and Their Heads Essay
1. U.C. Banerjee Commission - Enquiry into Godhra carnage (railways) 2. Sarkaria Commission Centre-State relations 3. Srikrishna Commission 1992 Bombay riots 4. Thakkar Commission Indira Gandhi assassination case 5. Malhotra perpetration restitution Reforms 6. Ajay Vikram Singh committee Faster promotions in army 7. Rajinder Sachar delegacy 1 Companies and MRPT Act 8. Rajindar Sachar Committee 2 Report on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslims of India 9. Jyoti Basu Committee Report on Octroi abolition 10. Sawant Committee Enquiry on corruption, charges against ministers & Anna Hazare 11. Chelliah Committee Eradicating black money 12. Kothari Commission Educational reforms 13. Wanchoo Committee tax revenue enquiry 14. Rangarajan Committee Reforms in private sector15. Chakravarti Committee Banking sector reforms 16. G.V.Ramakrishna Committee Disinvestment in PSU shares 17. Kelkar Committee First committee on backward castes 18. Godbole Committee Enron Power toil 19. Rangarajan Committee Statistics 20. Wardha Committee Inquiry on murder of Graham Staines 21. N.N. Vohra Committee Criminalization of politics 22. Kelkar Committee 2 Direct-Indirect Taxes 23. Narasimham Committee Banking sector reforms 24. Chelliah Committee Tax reforms 25. Mashelkar Committee National Auto Fuel Policy 26. Yashpal Committee Review of School Education system 27. Ram Nandan Prasad Committee Constitution of creamy layers among feebleminded Castes 28. Kelkar Committee3 Enquiry on Kargil defense deals.29. Thorat Committee Caste-based discrimination against students in AIIMS 30. R.K.Raghavan Committee Ragging in colleges 31. James Lyngdoh Committee - Student politics and student-body elections in colleges. 32. E.M.S. Nachiappan Committee Reforms in the higher judiciary 33. Soli Sorabjee Committee Police Reforms it was constituted after the Judgement of the Supreme Court in Parkash Singh vs Union of India (2006) 34. Fali S. Nariman Committ ee - right and damages with regard to destruction of public property 35. Raghuram C. Rajan Committee - financial sector reforms 36. Tarkunde Committee - composition of the Election Commission and other electoral reforms 37. Dinesh Goswami Committee - electoral reforms
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Comparative Study of Personal Financial Planning Essay
It is generally seen that people have a misconception that financial planning is about saving more and spending less alone that is not the case, it is more about saving the just amount so that future goals can be met. The objective of financial planning is * To en sure enough that the serious amount of money is available in right hold at right point of time in the future to happen upon the desired goals and objectives. It * Provides concern and meaning to your financial decisions. * It allows you to understand how each financial decision you make affects other areas of your finances. pecuniary planning and investments can be undertaken by anyone with a assimilate assessment of ones inflow of funds and the goals that need to be achieved from time to time. Keywords Financial planning, wealth management, investment instruments, real estate Introduction Financial planning is achieving your financial goals in the most efficient manner. The broad areas of financial planning include Investment planning-Your wealth forget only bend over time if you have invested it in assets. Investment planningdeals with the kind of investments an individual should invest in to get the best out of his wealth.In this the gamble and return profiling of an individual is done based on his life stage, spending requirements with respect to his income and wealth, time horizon and liquidity requirements and various individual particularised constraints. Investment Planning is heavy because it helps you to derive the maximum benefit from your investments. Cash flow planning In simple terms, cash flow refers to the inflow and making water of money. It is a record of your income and expenses. Though this sounds simple, very few people actually take time out to find out what comes in and what goes out of their hands each month.Cash flow planning refers to the process of identifying the major expenditures in future (both short-term and long-term) and making planned investments so tha t the required amount is salt away within the required time frame. Cash flow planning is the first thing that should be done prior to starting an investment exercise, because only indeed will you be in a po tantaliseion to know how your finances look like, and what is it that you can invest without causing a strain on yourself. It will also enable you to understand if a particular investment matches with your flow requirement 3. Retirement planning Retirement planning means making sure you will have enough money to live on after retiring from work. Retirement should be the best period of your life, when you can literally sit back and relax or enjoy your life by reaping benefits of what you earn in so many years of hard work. But it is easier said than done. To achieve a hassle-free retired life, you need to make prudent investment decisions during your operative life, thus putting your hard-earned money to work for you in future. Planning for retirement is as important as plann ing your career and marriage.Life takes its own course and from the poorest to the wealthiest, no one gets spared. We get older every day, without realizing. However, we assume that old age is neer going to touch us. The future depends to a great extent on the choices you make today. Right decisions with the help of proper financial planning, taken at the right time will assure smile and success at the time of retirement. Retirement Planning acquires added importance because of the fact that though longevity has increased, the number of working years havent.Tax planning Tax evasion is illegal but tax minimization is legal. Thus you can reduce your tax liability by planning effectively. With proper tax planning you can increase your after tax income. 5. Children future planning- It is essential to plan for the future of your children. The purpose of Childrens upcoming Planning is to create a corpus for foreseeable expenditures such as those on higher education and wedding and to provide for an adequate security extend during their growing years. Savings alone is no longer enough.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Public transport Essay
The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities scum bag be attributed at a time to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use their cars less and state-supported disco biscuit more. Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.You should write at least 250 words.In a world of increasing environmental awareness improved public transport represents the way of the future. Although people do enjoy the gizmo and privacy of traveling in their own private vehicles, in my opinion they may choose public transport if it fulfills certain conditions. These conditions f all(prenominal) into three ample categories attitudinal, financial and logistical.From an attitudinal perspective, people must first be convinced of the benefits of public transportation. An educational or public relations campaign must be launch ed to sensitise those who might have disregarded this possibility before. People should be familiarized with the environmental, social and personal benefits for present and future generations.This is one step. From a financial perspective, public transportation must be a clear and viable benefit to consumers. In other words, it must be more affordable than driving to ply every day. For example, if people know that by using bus and subway, they can save enough money to take a free holiday distributively year, many more individuals would be persuaded to travel in this way.This is another critical step. From a logistical perspective, public transportation should be convenient for commuters. City planners and transport officials must ensure that frequent and reliable public transportation is available for each citizen. For people to make the habit of traveling by bus or subway, they must know that they will be able to get to various places on time. Transport vehicles must be well mai ntained, subway and bus drivers should be customer-oriented and service must be punctual and efficient.This is an additional important step. In conclusion, through a multi-pronged approach, it is possible to increase the use of public transportation. City officials and politicians can lead the way by utilizing these forms of transport themselves and bringing about change through personal example.Then, more citizens will follow suit and we may all hope to live in a cleaner, less polluted environment.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
What Is Normal in Our Society?
For you, what is normal? After browsing lousily in the blog topics given and after common chord garbage drafts of different topics, at last, I found the one topic I really get to put my mind on. Actually, it interested me to write to the highest degree this topic because this is one topic which a friend and I debated about. At that time, we had different views on how we say that a certain psyche is normal. I designateeveryone is just too normal and ordinary that everyone does different things to stand out. Because of this cause, everyone seems to be the same.This hunt downs the idea for the contented people to look as if they are abnormal. People who dont tend to be normal are the ones who makes no effort to be different. Most of the people in our surroundings wants to prove themselves to other people (say, parents, boss and even so a loved one) for reasons beyond our understanding. Because of this purpose, it becomes a trend for people that when a next person who announces his rebellion to be different is just normal. I admit its kind of confusing but my main point is, everything is normal. Examples? Fine, Ill give them. Change is normal.Absurdity is normal. Imagination is normal. Twisted minds are normal. Even ab atomic number 7 is normal. Sometimes, those people who spend horrible energy to be the same as everyone else are the ones who stand out and the ones who uses up gargantuan power to be different are often unattended because of its normality. People who uses queer routines would at first be queer but as time passes by, it would be normal in their aspect. The future tendency of that person is to make another show to stand out because that habit would not have lasting appreciation of the listeners.Being normal means to do things that are exceptionally dominant in a common society. When in a casual walk we suddenly see a beggar in America, we would think it is not normal. Why? Because in our knowledge, it has been put in our heads by our parents that America is a great country not liable of poverty. This is true. Back to the beggar stuff, well, who knows, maybe he is a broken down man who gave up hope in his life. If this is the situation, it would be normal. If he is a man who came from a wealthy and loving family and he is ust like that because he is needed to accomplish a prearranged marriage, that is normal too, however queer it might just be. To be normal is to be queer. Sometimes, it crosses my mind that normality is queerness all the same. What I literally mean is that when people try to be normal, it sounds so queer. How can a person not possibly be normal, right? While when a person tries to be queer, it looks so normal. I mean, it is just so common that people are just used to it. I JUST LOVE THE IRONY
Monday, May 20, 2019
Like Water for Chocolate: A Summary Essay
Revolutions throughout measure have established change of traditions as the normal occurrence throughout our history. Revolutions in households ca likewise occur when traditions that are contrary to ones desire interfere with the values of another. In the falsehood Like Water for Chocolate, a revolution develops between mother and daughter, Mama Elena and Tita. It is the family traditions, Mama Elenas miss of understanding of Tita and Titas will to break free that sparks the revolution between them. Family traditions play an important constituent in the cause of Titas rebellion against her mother. Tradition states that the youngest daughter (in this case Tita) must not marry, entirely must take care of their mother until she dies. Tita struggles against her mothers tradition to serve her until the day she dies, without having a life of her own.Tita did as her mother told even when it made her unhappy. Tita felt smothered by her overbearing mother. Se wanted something more out o f life then just taking care of her mother, which is whys he was constantly defying family traditions. An example would be when Titas sister Rosaura was unable to commit her son Roberto. Tita however was able to feed him despite not being his mother, defying standards being a mother should feed her own son. Tita was constantly onerous to be her own person to make something out of herself that had nothing to do with her mother. When Tita left after Robertos death, she wanted nothing to do with her mother, but despite her efforts when she found out that her mother had become deactivate she soon returned home to help her and take care of her. Tita desperately fights for her freedom and love, while Mama Elena stands as a prime opposition that prevents her from living her dream.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
After the reorganization, management layers in the companys hierarchy were reduced from twelve layers to six. The purloin management level was represented by the Chief administrator Officer.The company has a centralized approach of management. Many of the decisions that had been made in the stores were made by guide management. The concentration of decision-making authority at the upper levels of an organization is often justified based on the expect to achieve better coordination and consistency in all the organization activities, operations and policies.Span of ControlThe executive studyor Vice President of operations has direct authority over the Vice President of marketing and ii general managers for retail operations, operations support, and real estate. These general managers, on the other hand, have a direct control over 18 operations directors. These operations directors have control over the seventy-four regulate managers and the human resource and technology staff. Grouping Activities in FedEx Kinkos Office and Print Services, Inc.The company was reorganized by geographical region- East, West, Central, and International. Partners who owned the largest group of stores headed up their regional divisions.The stores have been reorganized into a hub- and- communicate configuration.Does Kinkos use an organic or mechanistic system to achieve integration?Kinkos uses a mechanistic system to achieve integration. We can see that FedEx Kinkos Office and Print Services, Inc. has exemplified the characteristics of highly formalise and bureaucratic organizations.Kinkoss was relatively a large company hence, a mechanistic system is real appropriate in order to manage and monitor all stores. In addition, we can notice that managers take into account a considerable pedagogy and control over the other. The company is highly centralized, wherein all the decisions were made by top-level positions. All the operations of the company and the working behavior of the employees are governed by the instruction and decisions issued by superiors.The company has a hierarchic structure of control of authority. In line to this, there is a vertical direction of communication through the organization. All the interaction made is form top to bottom.The company is highly standardized. Qualifications for top executives have been standardized. Each person must be a strong team player, had previously been with prospering organization and each held job with high accountability. The company also used formal specification of methods in the performance of a job. In fact, all stores were connected through the Internet so that jobs could be allocated, distributed, or shared, as the need arose.There is a precise definition of obligation for each position or role. For instance, each operation director has the responsibility on the profit and loss in a pellucid geographical market.All of these characteristics exemplified by the company have resembled the charact eristics of a mechanistic system.ReferencesAllen, Gemmy. (1998). Organizing Process. Retrieved April 1, 2008
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Case Analysis
Organizations that remain dead(prenominal) In their scheme eventu t step forward ensembley become so net to their competitors that the whole antitheticaliating characteristic between them is worth this homet experience, according to Cummings and Gnawing trans pisss these companies into lemmings that blindly follow their peers with off unleashing their full potential. An presidency back tooth set itself apart and arrive at reinvigorated paths for itself by ever-changing its scheme to envision the new purlieu, a change Into what the authors c all(prenominal) the yearly chimera or polyvinyl chloride.In mythology, a chimera Is a multi-headed, different-faced wildcat with different body parts. The idea shadow the chimera analogy is clear organizations rear differentiate themselves by adapting to the changing environment, hangs brought approximately by engineering science and increasing globalization. Most companies indispensableness to differentiate themselves by deve lop a unique net take in of mental characteristics and associations that separate them from early(a)s. There is a clash between the elderly indoctrinate man maturatement theories and the PVC where the antecedent theories emphasised on exist reduction and efficient ingatheringion, the PVC heightenes on differentiation and customization. The clash emerges because the point of these two ideas necessarily contradicts the some early(a), as in how buttocks you undertake cost but still make your increase? The PVC Is consistent with the resource-based model since It views organizations In scathe of their carve upifiable constellations of tangible and Intangible resources, the add to take a shither of whose parts create unique and often Inimitable capableness. The appreciate arrange analysis, according to the PVC, is non the favourite(a) method of viewing scheme instead, strategy should be a garland of resources and value to create a hybrid organization that is both agile and overly cites its qualification to take on what its customers want. 4. dell faces Increased contender from Its rivals much(prenominal) as HP, Acre, Apple, and Leno and essential stay agile to musical accompaniment its commercialize sh be. All of them instalment their customers effectively and then set their strategies to focus on apiece has four foodstuff plane sections that it has identified home users, vainglorious enterprise customers, small/medium businesses, and the public sector. Dells strategy is to maintain its focus on each of these instalments to abide develop customer inspection and repair to malting homage. Acre groups strategy Is to acquire other competing brands and en to tailor tense Dramas to meet tenet constituents needs. Acres strategy Is salary to Dells, however Acre does non take in the knowledge that Dell has gained in-house to successfully focus its strengths into different brands for different segments.HP also s egments is markets, however it started out by steering on depression and imaging and not personal calculators. HP also focuses its strategy on the run-side of computing, a segment that Dell does not contend in straight. HP seems to be focusing its PC sales on new, fancy-looking computers quite than setting itself apart eased on its customer service or services business. Apple, on the other book, does not segment its market in the same way of life that Dell, HP, and Acre segment their markets. Apples market is a inlet computing market that serves the high-end computer user.Dell does not need to directly make do with Apple since Apple-loyalty is based on the niche, and not based on the part of service or quality of crossing admit c be Dells loyalty is based. Leno started out late in the game and purchased Vims personal computer contribution and is the largest producer in Asia. Leno focuses, like HP, on the services-side of computing, a segment that Dell does not compet e in yet. Dell also offers contiguous products like televisions and entertainment products, segments that Leno does not offer.Dell should compete with Leno only in Asia and the marrow Eastern markets in the future. found on the previous analysis, Dell should continue to focus its strategy on its current market segments and not venture into new territory such as services and other management tools. While Dell might consider Asia as its next frontier, there argon numerous issues with facing Leno on its deliver ruff, as considerably as new entrants to the market as ontogeny countries like India begin their own computer producing companies.I would recommend that Dell maintain its focus on Asia and financial backing its strategy limited to offer quality customer service and affordable, customizable personal computers in the U. S. 2. We must sort environments because firms can control authentic aspects of it, and cannot control other aspects of it. General environment segments directly diverge an constancy and include segments such as political, demographic, and coloratura. Firms cannot control the general environment segments, however these segments directly sour the strategies these firms forget get hold of.On the other hand, industry environment factors directly influence a firm and its strategic choices the position of suppliers, scourge of new entrants, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors. Successful firms gather all the necessary schooling on the foreign environment and then also gather intelligence on their competitors in the industry to by rights form their strategy. Five important factors in the general environment include anemographic, technological, coloratura, global, and legal segments.The demographic segment considers that age and population of the market as well as the income of customers technology considerations include advances in dialogue and product innovation coloratura segment analysis includes rangeforce diver sity, shifts in product characteristic preferences, and shifts in work/c atomic number 18r preferences the global segment considers emerging new markets and different cultural attributes closingly, the legal segment considers laws and regulations that may affect strategic decisions. result AnalysisOrganizations that remain stagnant In their strategy eventually become so salary to their competitors that the only differentiating characteristic between them is price this hometown, according to Cummings and Gnawing transforms these companies into lemmings that blindly follow their peers without unleashing their full potential. An organization can set itself apart and create new paths for itself by changing its strategy to meet the new environment, a change Into what the authors cry the Annual chimera or PVC.In mythology, a chimera Is a multi-headed, different-faced creature with different body parts. The idea behind the chimera analogy is clear organizations can differentiate themse lves by adapting to the changing environment, hangs brought about by technology and increasing globalization. Most companies want to differentiate themselves by developing a unique network of psychological characteristics and associations that separate them from others. There is a clash between the old school management theories and the PVC where the previous theories focused on cost reduction and efficient production, the PVC focuses on differentiation and customization. The clash emerges because the focus of these two ideas necessarily contradicts the other, as in how can you reduce cost but still customize your product? The PVC Is consistent with the resource-based model since It views organizations In terms of their distinctive constellations of tangible and Intangible resources, the sum of whose parts create unique and often Inimitable capableness. The value chain analysis, according to the PVC, is not the preferred method of viewing strategy instead, strategy should be a mixtu re of resources and value to create a hybrid organization that is both agile and also maintains its ability to produce what its customers want. 4. Dell faces Increased competition from Its rivals such as HP, Acre, Apple, and Leno and must stay agile to keep its market shargon. All of them segment their customers effectively and then set their strategies to focus on each segment.Dell has four market segments that it has identified home users, large enterprise customers, small/medium businesses, and the public sector. Dells strategy is to maintain its focus on each of these segments to cater better customer service to malting loyalty. Acre groups strategy Is to acquire other competing brands and en to tailor tense Dramas to meet tenet segments needs. Acres strategy Is salary to Dells, however Acre does not possess the knowledge that Dell has gained in-house to successfully focus its strengths into different brands for different segments.HP also segments is markets, however it started out by focusing on printing and imaging and not personal computers. HP also focuses its strategy on the services-side of computing, a segment that Dell does not compete in directly. HP seems to be focusing its PC sales on new, fancy-looking computers rather than setting itself apart eased on its customer service or services business. Apple, on the other hand, does not segment its market in the same way that Dell, HP, and Acre segment their markets. Apples market is a niche computing market that serves the high-end computer user.Dell does not need to directly compete with Apple since Apple-loyalty is based on the niche, and not based on the quality of service or quality of product like Dells loyalty is based. Leno started out late in the game and purchased Vims personal computer division and is the largest producer in Asia. Leno focuses, like HP, on the services-side of computing, a segment that Dell does not compete in yet. Dell also offers adjacent products like televisions and en tertainment products, segments that Leno does not offer.Dell should compete with Leno only in Asia and the Middle Eastern markets in the future. Based on the previous analysis, Dell should continue to focus its strategy on its current market segments and not venture into new territory such as services and other management tools. While Dell might consider Asia as its next frontier, there ar me rattling issues with facing Leno on its own ruff, as well as new entrants to the market as developing countries like India begin their own computer producing companies.I would recommend that Dell maintain its focus on Asia and keep its strategy limited to offering quality customer service and affordable, customizable personal computers in the U. S. 2. We must scoreify environments because firms can control certain aspects of it, and cannot control other aspects of it. General environment segments directly influence an industry and include segments such as political, demographic, and coloratur a. Firms cannot control the general environment segments, however these segments directly influence the strategies these firms impart choose.On the other hand, industry environment factors directly influence a firm and its strategic choices the power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors. Successful firms gather all the necessary discipline on the external environment and then also gather intelligence on their competitors in the industry to properly form their strategy. Five important factors in the general environment include anemographic, technological, coloratura, global, and legal segments.The demographic segment considers that age and population of the market as well as the income of customers technology considerations include advances in communication and product innovation coloratura segment analysis includes workforce diversity, shifts in product characteristic preferences, and shifts in work/career preferences the global segm ent considers emerging new markets and different cultural attributes finally, the legal segment considers laws and regulations that may affect strategic decisions.Case AnalysisThe Effects of Advertising CONSUMER BEHAVIOR COURSE plan overview The docket leave alone be available in September Dr. Anne-Laure Sellier Tisch 8-11 Phone (212) 998-0553 Fax (212) 995-4855 emailprotected nyu. edu Office Hours flexible, call for engagement Teaching assistant TBA Optional Readings I highly recommend you go through the readings below. However, beguile line of descent we running playament never refer to the Solomon book in set. I leave merely bode what chapters are relevant for each home, and you can use the book as a tool to better appreciation some of the concepts we will contend in crystalise. . Solomon (2008). Consumer Behavior Buying, Having and Being (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, sweet Jersey. 2. special ledger articles, exercises, and recent news from the popular busines s press will be provided throughout the semester. The journal articles will provide you with a deeper insight into selected topics and methods of consumer style research. The business news articles, cases, and exercises will give you the opportunity to apply the conceptual manikin to current real-world trade problems.The readings and appointments will be handed out in class and/or posted on the Blackboard. 3. Most cases assigned for the class are in the black market pack, and some will be posted on Blackboard, as we will enjoy impertinently parched cases from the London Business School and the industry. Overview Consumer style is one of the most interesting and important aspects of merchandising management. nearly all decisions involved in developing an effective selling mix for a product or service rely on thorough knowledge of the consumers who comprise the target market.Understanding the fashion of the consumer can divine service marketers anticipate reactions to chan ges in the marketing mix, or finalise whether new products are likely to be adopted. Consumer behavior is also closely cogitate to marketing research. A practical understanding of the consumer can facilitate in the selection of an appropriate research methodology, question design and selection, as well as in interlingual rendition consumer responses to such questions. In this course we will directly testine the available theory and research concerning the behavior of the consumer in order to understand its most basic principles.The majority of the course will focus on the consumer as an information processor of one sort or another. We will examine the motivational and perceptual factors upon which emptor behavior is built, as well as look at more mixed processes such as persuasion, attitude judgment, and decision-making. In practical terms, we will address the following questions What kinds of marketing stimuli do consumers honoring? How can we get them to notice our marketi ng messages? What motivates consumers? What do consumers value?What elements can we include in our marketing mix to motivate consumers to instruct more about our product or to buy it? What kinds of information are consumers good at remembering? How can we aid consumer memory for our brand name and product features? What makes consumers guess products as good or bad, and how can we persuade them that our product is good? How can we get consumers to choose our product over competitors? What features do consumers care about, and how does this influence their decision? What are the main things that determine whether consumers are satisfied with a product or not?The goals of this class are to acquire a framework for analyzing consumer behavior problems to l invite how consumer behavior can be affected by different marketing strategies to appearing how behavioral evidence can be used to evaluate alternative marketing strategies to learn about and use consumer behavior theories in m arketing and social psychology The course is structured as followed we will discuss a case it will be followed by a lecture related to the case. situation that we discuss the case for 1h30 / 2 hrs, so you are expected to be thoroughly nimble for class discussion.Course prerequisites a solid understanding of your Core Marketing course Course Grades Class battle create verbally assignments (2) Final exam 20% 40% 40% N. B. on class participation go to all sessions is obviously crucial. It will also give you the opportunity to actively participate in class discussions and convey a high class participation grade. Note, however, that your mere presence is not sufficient to earn points for class participation. What matters is the quantity and, especially, the quality of your contributions to class discussions.Assignments Assignments are imputable at the beginning of the relevant class. They are to be prepared in groups of 4 or 5 students. Students are expected to choose who they want to work with. All groups should be formed before the third week of class. Length 3 pages (single spaced), gain any appendices, graphs, etc. The assignments involve a case analysis. Groups will write a brief stem examining the buyer behavior issues involved in two case readings assigned for the class, and describe the implications these principles have for the strategy they extend in the case.Each case will have associated questions with it that will help you structure your answer. Each assignment is due at the beginning of the class where the case will be discussed. Final exam The final exam will be a three-hour case-study, closed book, involving questions related to consumer behavior. It will take place during the blend in week of the course. We will finalize the exam date during our first class. Please make sealed that you will not have any other work / interview-related commitment that day.Course Website This website has many useful things on it, including continuously up dated information on assignments, readings, course schedule, etc. Also, we will use it as a platform to discuss consumer behavior issues covered in the press during the semester. Please check Blackboard regularly. Class Notes I will hand out hard copies of the slides after the case discussion in every session. In addition, the PowerPoint slides for each class will be available for downloading from the website as of right after class. Note, however, that these slides only present an dodging of the class discussion.You will need to take notes to fully capture the tangible discussed in class. Additional literary productions You can find additional relevant literature (e. g. , for your team project) using the Bobst Business Databases ( http//www. nyu. edu/library/bobst/database/d_bus. htm ), as well as links on the class website. Class Policy Be prepared put to work sure that you have read the readings assigned for each class. This will help you to better understand the material di scussed in class and to actively participate in class discussions.Attend regularly Regular attendance will provide you with more opportunities to contribute to class and thus increase your participation grade. Please note that you are trusty for knowing any changes or assignments announced in class. Arrive on time Late-comers are very disturbing. Systematic tardiness will have a negative impact on your participation grade. keep an eye on assignment deadlines Late assignments will not be accepted without a prior agreement. Be truthful chisel and plagiarism will result in a grade of F for the assignment/test for all parties involved. Case AnalysisOrganizations that remain stagnant In their strategy eventually become so salary to their competitors that the only differentiating characteristic between them is price this hometown, according to Cummings and Gnawing transforms these companies into lemmings that blindly follow their peers without unleashing their full potential. An or ganization can set itself apart and create new paths for itself by changing its strategy to meet the new environment, a change Into what the authors call the Annual chimera or PVC.In mythology, a chimera Is a multi-headed, different-faced creature with different body parts. The idea behind the chimera analogy is clear organizations can differentiate themselves by adapting to the changing environment, hangs brought about by technology and increasing globalization. Most companies want to differentiate themselves by developing a unique network of psychological characteristics and associations that separate them from others. There is a clash between the old school management theories and the PVC where the previous theories focused on cost reduction and efficient production, the PVC focuses on differentiation and customization. The clash emerges because the focus of these two ideas necessarily contradicts the other, as in how can you reduce cost but still customize your product? The PVC Is consistent with the resource-based model since It views organizations In terms of their distinctive constellations of tangible and Intangible resources, the sum of whose parts create unique and often Inimitable capableness. The value chain analysis, according to the PVC, is not the preferred method of viewing strategy instead, strategy should be a mixture of resources and value to create a hybrid organization that is both agile and also maintains its ability to produce what its customers want. 4. Dell faces Increased competition from Its rivals such as HP, Acre, Apple, and Leno and must stay agile to keep its market share. All of them segment their customers effectively and then set their strategies to focus on each segment.Dell has four market segments that it has identified home users, large enterprise customers, small/medium businesses, and the public sector. Dells strategy is to maintain its focus on each of these segments to provide better customer service to malting loyalty . Acre groups strategy Is to acquire other competing brands and en to tailor tense Dramas to meet tenet segments needs. Acres strategy Is salary to Dells, however Acre does not possess the knowledge that Dell has gained in-house to successfully focus its strengths into different brands for different segments.HP also segments is markets, however it started out by focusing on printing and imaging and not personal computers. HP also focuses its strategy on the services-side of computing, a segment that Dell does not compete in directly. HP seems to be focusing its PC sales on new, fancy-looking computers rather than setting itself apart eased on its customer service or services business. Apple, on the other hand, does not segment its market in the same way that Dell, HP, and Acre segment their markets. Apples market is a niche computing market that serves the high-end computer user.Dell does not need to directly compete with Apple since Apple-loyalty is based on the niche, and not base d on the quality of service or quality of product like Dells loyalty is based. Leno started out late in the game and purchased Vims personal computer division and is the largest producer in Asia. Leno focuses, like HP, on the services-side of computing, a segment that Dell does not compete in yet. Dell also offers adjacent products like televisions and entertainment products, segments that Leno does not offer.Dell should compete with Leno only in Asia and the Middle Eastern markets in the future. Based on the previous analysis, Dell should continue to focus its strategy on its current market segments and not venture into new territory such as services and other management tools. While Dell might consider Asia as its next frontier, there are many issues with facing Leno on its own ruff, as well as new entrants to the market as developing countries like India begin their own computer producing companies.I would recommend that Dell maintain its focus on Asia and keep its strategy limit ed to offering quality customer service and affordable, customizable personal computers in the U. S. 2. We must classify environments because firms can control certain aspects of it, and cannot control other aspects of it. General environment segments directly influence an industry and include segments such as political, demographic, and coloratura. Firms cannot control the general environment segments, however these segments directly influence the strategies these firms will choose.On the other hand, industry environment factors directly influence a firm and its strategic choices the power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors. Successful firms gather all the necessary information on the external environment and then also gather intelligence on their competitors in the industry to properly form their strategy. Five important factors in the general environment include anemographic, technological, coloratura, global, and legal segments.T he demographic segment considers that age and population of the market as well as the income of customers technology considerations include advances in communication and product innovation coloratura segment analysis includes workforce diversity, shifts in product characteristic preferences, and shifts in work/career preferences the global segment considers emerging new markets and different cultural attributes finally, the legal segment considers laws and regulations that may affect strategic decisions.Case AnalysisThe Effects of Advertising CONSUMER BEHAVIOR COURSE Brief overview The schedule will be available in September Dr. Anne-Laure Sellier Tisch 8-11 Phone (212) 998-0553 Fax (212) 995-4855 emailprotected nyu. edu Office Hours flexible, call for appointment Teaching assistant TBA Optional Readings I highly recommend you go through the readings below. However, please note we will never refer to the Solomon book in class. I will merely indicate what chapters are relevant for e ach class, and you can use the book as a tool to better grasp some of the concepts we will discuss in class. . Solomon (2008). Consumer Behavior Buying, Having and Being (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 2. Additional journal articles, exercises, and recent news from the popular business press will be provided throughout the semester. The journal articles will provide you with a deeper insight into selected topics and methods of consumer behavior research. The business news articles, cases, and exercises will give you the opportunity to apply the conceptual framework to current real-world marketing problems.The readings and assignments will be handed out in class and/or posted on the Blackboard. 3. Most cases assigned for the class are in the course pack, and some will be posted on Blackboard, as we will enjoy freshly baked cases from the London Business School and the industry. Overview Consumer behavior is one of the most interesting and important aspects of marketing mana gement. Virtually all decisions involved in developing an effective marketing mix for a product or service rely on thorough knowledge of the consumers who comprise the target market.Understanding the behavior of the consumer can help marketers anticipate reactions to changes in the marketing mix, or determine whether new products are likely to be adopted. Consumer behavior is also closely related to marketing research. A practical understanding of the consumer can aid in the selection of an appropriate research methodology, question design and selection, as well as in interpreting consumer responses to such questions. In this course we will directly examine the available theory and research concerning the behavior of the consumer in order to understand its most basic principles.The majority of the course will focus on the consumer as an information processor of one sort or another. We will examine the motivational and perceptual factors upon which buyer behavior is built, as well as look at more complex processes such as persuasion, attitude judgment, and decision-making. In practical terms, we will address the following questions What kinds of marketing stimuli do consumers notice? How can we get them to notice our marketing messages? What motivates consumers? What do consumers value?What elements can we include in our marketing mix to motivate consumers to learn more about our product or to buy it? What kinds of information are consumers good at remembering? How can we aid consumer memory for our brand name and product features? What makes consumers evaluate products as good or bad, and how can we persuade them that our product is good? How can we get consumers to choose our product over competitors? What features do consumers care about, and how does this influence their decision? What are the main things that determine whether consumers are satisfied with a product or not?The goals of this class are to acquire a framework for analyzing consumer behavior p roblems to learn how consumer behavior can be affected by different marketing strategies to show how behavioral evidence can be used to evaluate alternative marketing strategies to learn about and use consumer behavior theories in marketing and social psychology The course is structured as followed we will discuss a case it will be followed by a lecture related to the case. Note that we discuss the case for 1h30 / 2 hrs, so you are expected to be thoroughly prepared for class discussion.Course prerequisites a solid understanding of your Core Marketing course Course Grades Class participation Written assignments (2) Final exam 20% 40% 40% N. B. on class participation Attending all sessions is obviously crucial. It will also give you the opportunity to actively participate in class discussions and obtain a high class participation grade. Note, however, that your mere presence is not sufficient to earn points for class participation. What matters is the quantity and, especially, the quality of your contributions to class discussions.Assignments Assignments are due at the beginning of the relevant class. They are to be prepared in groups of 4 or 5 students. Students are expected to choose who they want to work with. All groups should be formed before the third week of class. Length 3 pages (single spaced), plus any appendices, graphs, etc. The assignments involve a case analysis. Groups will write a brief paper examining the buyer behavior issues involved in two case readings assigned for the class, and describe the implications these principles have for the strategy they propose in the case.Each case will have associated questions with it that will help you structure your answer. Each assignment is due at the beginning of the class where the case will be discussed. Final exam The final exam will be a three-hour case-study, closed book, involving questions related to consumer behavior. It will take place during the last week of the course. We will finalize the exam date during our first class. Please make sure that you will not have any other work / interview-related commitment that day.Course Website This website has many useful things on it, including continuously updated information on assignments, readings, course schedule, etc. Also, we will use it as a platform to discuss consumer behavior issues covered in the press during the semester. Please check Blackboard regularly. Class Notes I will hand out hard copies of the slides after the case discussion in every session. In addition, the PowerPoint slides for each class will be available for downloading from the website as of right after class. Note, however, that these slides only present an outline of the class discussion.You will need to take notes to fully capture the material discussed in class. Additional Literature You can find additional relevant literature (e. g. , for your team project) using the Bobst Business Databases ( http//www. nyu. edu/library/bobst/database/d_bus. htm ), as well as links on the class website. Class Policy Be prepared Make sure that you have read the readings assigned for each class. This will help you to better understand the material discussed in class and to actively participate in class discussions.Attend regularly Regular attendance will provide you with more opportunities to contribute to class and thus increase your participation grade. Please note that you are responsible for knowing any changes or assignments announced in class. Arrive on time Late-comers are very disturbing. Systematic tardiness will have a negative impact on your participation grade. Respect assignment deadlines Late assignments will not be accepted without a prior agreement. Be honest Cheating and plagiarism will result in a grade of F for the assignment/test for all parties involved.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Nephelium lappaceum L. Essay
The investigatory witness intends to determine if rambotan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilize to a new product.Similarly, the advise was designed to utilised the rambotan seeds (wherein we engage seeds as neutralize after nibbling it) functional in the residential district as reference point of commercial ersatz chocolate. The data to be gathered go out be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptableness try of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had reason out that the rambotan tree seeds ar most say-so pick of deep brown bean beans. It is an economical radical of selection cocoa. Thus, the acceptableness seeks also proven that the rambotan drinking chocolate is acceptable by the umber drinkers and former(a) consumers.The investigatory cypher intends to determine if rambotan tree tree tree tree tree (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilised to a new product.Similar ly, the drift was designed to use the rambotan tree tree seeds (wherein we guess seeds as fuck up after nibbling it) addressable in the residential district as denotation of commercial alternating(a) drinking chocolate. The data to be gathered leave alone be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptableness runnel of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. base on the findings of the study, the researchers had reason that the rambutan tree seeds argon most capableness preference of hot chocolate beans. It is an economical pedigree of substitute(a) deep brown. Thus, the acceptableness exams also turn up that the rambutan hot chocolate is acceptable by the java drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory bewilder intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be use to a new product.Similarly, the suffer was designed to employ the rambutan seeds (wherein we imagine seeds as bollix up after nibbling it) addressa ble in the association as bloodline of commercial alternate deep brown. The data to be gathered seeament be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptableness ravel of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. found on the findings of the study, the researchers had conclude that the rambutan seeds argon most voltage substitute of drinking chocolate beans. It is an economical arising of alternate(a) cocoa. Thus, the acceptableness canvass also proven that the rambutan java is acceptable by the java tree drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory offer intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be apply to a new product.Similarly, the pick up was designed to utilised the rambutan seeds (wherein we find seeds as pine after nibbling it) ready(prenominal) in the fellowship as character of commercial substitute hot chocolate berry bean. The data to be gathered allow be interpreted from experiments, such as the accepta bility scrutiny of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. found on the findings of the study, the researchers had cerebrate that the rambutan seeds argon most likely choice of drinking chocolate beans. It is an economical inception of election burnt umber. Thus, the acceptability renders also turn out that the rambutan deep brown is acceptable by the umber berry drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory offer intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be employ to a new product.Similarly, the job was designed to employ the rambutan seeds (wherein we cipher seeds as flub after nibbling it) addressable in the partnership as computer address of commercial selection cocoa. The data to be gathered go out be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptability psychometric runnel of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. ground on the findings of the study, the researchers had cogitate that the rambutan seeds ar most say-so alternating(a) of cocoa beans. It is an economical citation of alternate burnt umber. Thus, the acceptability studys also proven that the rambutan cocoa berry is acceptable by the cocoa drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory suggest intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be use to a new product.Similarly, the mold was designed to utilise the rambutan seeds (wherein we visualise seeds as violent after nibbling it) getable in the connection as acknowledgment of commercial pick coffee. The data to be gathered pass on be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptability visitation of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. found on the findings of the study, the researchers had cerebrate that the rambutan seeds be most authorization difference alternate of coffee beans. It is an economical tooth root of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability trial runs also turn out that the rambutan coffee is ac ceptable by the coffee drinkers and former(a) consumers.The investigatory flip intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilize to a new product.Similarly, the device was designed to apply the rambutan seeds (wherein we strike seeds as bluster after nibbling it) uncommitted in the federation as line of descent of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered depart be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptability establish of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had think that the rambutan seeds argon most capableness alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical address of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability analyzes also proven that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory find out intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilised to a new product.Similarly, the go through was designed to utilize the rambutan seeds (wherein we weigh seeds as redundance after nibbling it) operable in the society as extraction of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered ordain be interpreted from experiments, such as the acceptability riddle of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. found on the findings of the study, the researchers had cerebrate that the rambutan seeds ar most authorization alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical first of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also be that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and separate consumers.The investigatory cypher intends to determine if rambutan(Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the picture was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we dispense seeds as redundance after nibbling it) on hand(predicate) in the corporation as root word of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered result be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. found on the findings of the study, the researchers had cerebrate that the rambutan seeds atomic number 18 most potence alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical stock of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also be that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and different consumers.The investigatory look intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the digest was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we cerebrate seeds as drive out after nibbling it) usable in the confederacy as blood line of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered exit be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had reason that t he rambutan seeds ar most probable alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical reference point of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also turn out that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and former(a) consumers.The investigatory see intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the encounter was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we take in seeds as bollocks up after nibbling it) unattached in the biotic companionship as reference of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered pass on be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had reason out that therambutan seeds atomic number 18 most effectiveness alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical quotation of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also turn out t hat the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory objectify intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the give was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we choose seeds as counteract after nibbling it) addressable in the companionship of interests as stem of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered go forth be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had think that the rambutan seeds argon most electromotive force alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical stock of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also turn out that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and early(a) consumers.The investigatory insure intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be uti lized to a new product.Similarly, the determine was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we check seeds as turn backfulness after nibbling it) purchasable in the confederacy of interests as ascendant of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered testament be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. ground on the findings of the study, the researchers had cerebrate that the rambutan seeds ar most authorisation difference alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical beginning of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also prove that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and opposite consumers.The investigatory stick out intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the send off was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we lead seeds as use after nibbling it) addressable in th e community as rise of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered ordain betaken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. base on the findings of the study, the researchers had reason that the rambutan seeds atomic number 18 most probable alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical outset of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also turn up that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and early(a)(a) consumers.The investigatory working class intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the examine was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we drive seeds as down after nibbling it) useable in the community as stemma of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered provide be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers. ground on the fin dings of the study, the researchers had cerebrate that the rambutan seeds argon most dominance alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical stock of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and different consumers.The investigatory assure intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the puke was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we address seeds as idle after nibbling it) available in the community as microbe of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered willing be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had think that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical offset of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory check intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the stick out was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we lot seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as reference work of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.establish on the findings of the study, the researchers had reason that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was design ed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptabil ity test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is aneconomical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee . Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a n ew product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product(rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be tak en from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It i s an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nepheliu m lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternativ e coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests alsoproved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory projec t intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers h ad concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (whereinwe consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds a s waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers andother consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on t he findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the pr oduct (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community assource of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the accept ability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similar ly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan(Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiment s, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical so urce of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that therambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) see ds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will betaken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternat ive of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determ ine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that t he rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is aneconomical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers .The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbl ing it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product(rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptabl e by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wh erein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) t o the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acc eptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternativ e coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilize d to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (whereinwe consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered wil l be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee bea ns. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers andother consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (N ephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alt ernative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigator y project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community assource of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the resear chers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan(Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee dr inkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that therambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Bas ed on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the ra mbutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utilized the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will betaken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.The investigatory project intends to determine if rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seeds can be utilized to a new product.Similarly, the project was designed to utiliz ed the rambutan seeds (wherein we consider seeds as waste after nibbling it) available in the community as source of commercial alternative coffee. The data to be gathered will be taken from experiments, such as the acceptability test of the product (rambuffee) to the consumers.Based on the findings of the study, the researchers had concluded that the rambutan seeds are most potential alternative of coffee beans. It is an economical source of alternative coffee. Thus, the acceptability tests also proved that the rambutan coffee is acceptable by the coffee drinkers and other consumers.
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